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A Story.

They were born to be warriors, raised to be warriors, Their one purpose in life was to fight and kill the enemy, They were bred to fight in some long forgotten war, on a planet circling a different sun. They won that war for their makers, and after the victory they were sent here. To fight humanity. It was a long fight, but they were intelligent and creative. They invented new and ever better weapons. So did humanity, but the warriors were better at it, more steadfast in their purpose. More dogged in their pursuit.

Humanity declined and came near to extinction. Seeing this the warriors knew they had to solve the problem it created. They had but one purpose, to kill enemies. So what would they do when they ran out of enemies? Be warriors without a war? Unthinkable, Unbearable. That must not be allowed to happen. Their solution was to ration the war, much like hunters ration the deer in the forest. Only so many humans may be killed each year, and never kill the mothers and growing kids.

The war went on, and on and on. Humanity learned, the warriors learned, and always the warriors had the edge, but carefully they never vent over their quotas.

The warriors had long forgotten their origins, now they thought they were a different Earthian species, with 4 arms and their mouths above their eyes there was no mistaking then for human. But their makers had not forgotten them. There were history books telling of the army that was sent away after the big war, and even giving the general direction they had gone.

The makers had a new war brewing so they came to get their invincible army back. Only the warriors did not recognize them as kin, and certainly not as theit lords and masters. It was a brief fight, and then the visiting makers and their ships were all destroyed. The warriors resumed their 'war' on humanity.

Only something had been added to the equation. The wreckage of the masters ships were available for humans to study, and they did, Learning gravitic repulsion and Faster than light propulsion, What a treasure trove to find. They built ships (it only needed 6 big ships to hold all the humans still living) and then they left, carefully waporising the remaining wreckage so the warriors could not do the same

What the warriors did after that, nobody know. But the humans found a livable planet and settled there. The vegetation was even green, well mostly green.

Send them far away, ration the war, run away from the battlefield. What is YOUR solution to warriors ?

Posted - December 11, 2017


  • Feminise them. Get them to cook, clean, and mother children. While women become their new overlords.
      December 11, 2017 12:55 AM MST

  • 5354
    Ever seen a cat-fight? Do you really thin women would make a 'better' kind of warriors?
      December 11, 2017 2:26 AM MST

  • male testosterone levels keep falling, it’s only a matter of time before women take advantage of that
      December 11, 2017 2:38 AM MST